Tree on Way Up  | Low Pike

Tree on Way Up | Low Pike

  Monochrome Portrait in Late Summer  | Low Pike

Monochrome Portrait in Late Summer | Low Pike

  Looking Down the Bad(ish) Step  | Low Pike

Looking Down the Bad(ish) Step | Low Pike

  The Bad(ish) Step on the Way Up  | Low Pike

The Bad(ish) Step on the Way Up | Low Pike

  A Little Craggy  | Low Pike

A Little Craggy | Low Pike

  Summit View South  | Low Pike

Summit View South | Low Pike

  Summit View North  | Low Pike

Summit View North | Low Pike

  Low and High Pike Together  | Low Pike

Low and High Pike Together | Low Pike

  Storm Over the Fell  | Low Pike

Storm Over the Fell | Low Pike

  On the Approach from Ambleside  | Low Pike

On the Approach from Ambleside | Low Pike

  Easy Paths to the Summit  | Low Pike

Easy Paths to the Summit | Low Pike

  Summit Walls and Crags  | Low Pike

Summit Walls and Crags | Low Pike

  Wall Along the Summit  | Low Pike

Wall Along the Summit | Low Pike

  Eastern Stile  | Low Pike

Eastern Stile | Low Pike

  Late Summer View  | Low Pike

Late Summer View | Low Pike

  Tree on Way Up  | Low Pike
  Monochrome Portrait in Late Summer  | Low Pike
  Looking Down the Bad(ish) Step  | Low Pike
  The Bad(ish) Step on the Way Up  | Low Pike
  A Little Craggy  | Low Pike
  Summit View South  | Low Pike
  Summit View North  | Low Pike
  Low and High Pike Together  | Low Pike
  Storm Over the Fell  | Low Pike
  On the Approach from Ambleside  | Low Pike
  Easy Paths to the Summit  | Low Pike
  Summit Walls and Crags  | Low Pike
  Wall Along the Summit  | Low Pike
  Eastern Stile  | Low Pike
  Late Summer View  | Low Pike

Tree on Way Up | Low Pike

Monochrome Portrait in Late Summer | Low Pike

Looking Down the Bad(ish) Step | Low Pike

The Bad(ish) Step on the Way Up | Low Pike

A Little Craggy | Low Pike

Summit View South | Low Pike

Summit View North | Low Pike

Low and High Pike Together | Low Pike

Storm Over the Fell | Low Pike

On the Approach from Ambleside | Low Pike

Easy Paths to the Summit | Low Pike

Summit Walls and Crags | Low Pike

Wall Along the Summit | Low Pike

Eastern Stile | Low Pike

Late Summer View | Low Pike

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